IT’S (almost) CHRISTMAS! 25 Great Sensory Present Ideas

25 Christmas Present Sensory Toys











As we begin to prepare for the Christmas Season, amidst the joy and excitement, we are faced with the annual gift dilemma. While we all love to give presents, many families with children with autism find it a real challenge. We want to find a gift that will be loved and used but that’s not always easy. Add in all those family and friends wanting to know what they can give and, well it can become a daunting chore.

One of the most common requests we receive around this time of year is ideas for the ‘Christmas List’. So we decided to give our gift to you … a list of links to sensory Christmas present ideas for those light, sound, movement loving kids. Big gifts, small gifts and goodies for their Christmas Stocking. Gifts that flash and spin, that squish and ooze, gifts that soothe and calm.

Use the list yourselves, or pass it on to others – including the big guy himself!! 

Sensory Christmas Present Ideas

Under £150

1. Sensory Pea Pod

2. Sand and Water Table

3. Boom Toob Set

4. Dark Den

5. Bubble Tube

Under £50

1. Kaleidogears

2. Hanging Swing Chair

3. Tranquil Turtle

4. Kinetic Sand Dino Set

5. Dark Den Kit

Under £15

1. Hand Held Spinner

2. Puffer Squashy Toy

3. Walking Astronaut

4. Indoor Firework Show

5. Spinning Top Train

Stocking fillers

1. Sensory Fidget Kit

2. Playfoam

3. Jelly Goo

4. Underwater DIsco Lights

5. Light Up Spinning Top

6. Liquid Drop Toy

7. Squishy Mesh Ball

8. Spinning Gyroscope

9. Flying Flash Toy

10. Starlight Projector

We do hope this list helps tick at least one present off your ‘to do’ list this Christmas. Don’t hesitate to ask us for more ideas when we next see you or via our contact page

And if you loved these ideas and are keen for more helpful info please join us on Facebook to keep up to date with all things Sunnyside Children’s Clinic.


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